Saturday, February 02, 2008

Current News from Kenya

Jambo kasia

I hope you are fine, well that is not the same with us here in Kenya .

Alot has changed here in the last few days and things have changed from bad to worse especially in the Rift Valley even with the mediation talks on going.

Irregardless of what the International Media is reporting, about the said disputed polls, It has emerged that some communities have been preparing for war even before the general elections. To be specific, The Kalejin community under the leadership of Hon William Ruto of ODM have taken upon themselves to attack, kill, main and destroy the property of kikuyu and other communities in the rift valley..

As a result and as you may have heard,even with the on going mediation talks taking place,and even with the leaders calling for peace, Unprecedented chaos have rocked Nakuru district and the neighbouring villages especially the ones perceived to be kikuyu dominated. The intentions of these people are unknown and their manner of attack unpredictable.

I am writing to as a matter of urgency because, a few nights, a village neighbouring Kirengero ( appro - 2 kilometers) was attacked and houses set ablaze. the bad news is that these people are now camping at Kirengero Chiefs camp. I am very disturbed because this has happened too close to the home and even the children are very worried.

Some friends have suggested to me to relocate the children to safer places which is a good Idea so now I am having to move them to my residence in Nairobi while other will put up at the office dormitory since there is no business.

I would have done this earlier but my efforts were kind of put on hold on Sunday when I had a road accident. It was not an accident per se. The road had been barricaded by armed youths so as I attempted to drive away and escape them with their poisoned arrows I landed into a ditch and my car was badly damaged, I also sustained injuries on my back and neck. I am lucky to have been saved by the army personnel who found me before the youths could find me.

safety is my immediate concern for these kids and if I can achieve that, Then the issues of schooling, shelter, and food will be resolved latter when they are out of harms way

I will appreciate any assistance you can afford us at this time in form of advice, any contacts of people who can help us here and funds: I should note also that our tourism business is at standstill following the mass cancellations of safaris by clients and of course the travel advisories issued by some governments advising their citizens not to travel Kenya. In this regard I am between a rock and a hard place pertaining to the welfare of these young ones.

Please let me know that you have received this mail the soonest you can reply.

We are counting on your prayers to see us through this misery.

Yours truly


PS: James' email contact -


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